Metric Callback

While reporters in uv-metrics handle values that have already been measured, the MetricCallback feature allows you to schedule certain measurements to run at specified intervals (which may be different for each measurement). Each time the object is called to measure, it returns a dictionary containing measurements which may be directly passed to a reporter.

A MetricCallback object relies on a state dictionary, which contains everything which could possibly be needed to perform a given measurement. For example, one part of this state could be the test dataset, another could be the network parameters. Note that this state can have static components, like the test set, which never changes, and dynamic components, like the network parameters, which change from step to step. The way these two types of state are handled is: initially, the MetricCallback object is initialized with a dictionary representing the static components of the state. At each step, or whenever the measure() method is called, it is called with both the step number and a dictionary holding the dynamic state. Internally, these dicts are merged before being passed to the functions which perform the measurements.

import uv.manager as m
import uv.reporter as r

# make reporter
reporter = r.MemoryReporter().stepped()

# make static state dictionary
static_state = {'test_set': test_dset}

# initialize manager
oscilloscope = m.MetricCallback(static_state)

Once the MetricCallback is initialized, you must then tell it which measurements to make (i.e. the meausurement name), when to make the measurement (i.e. a function of the current step value which outputs True when the msmt is required), and how to make the measurement (i.e. a function of the full state dictionary). The measurement is specified by a dictionary with keys name, trigger, and function. Here name is a string specifying the measurement name; the trigger is a function of the current step number that outputs True when the measurement is required; and the function is a function which can perform a measurement given a state dictionary. For example:

oscilloscope.add_measurement({'name': 'l2_norm',
                              'trigger': lambda step: step % 10 == 0,
                              'function': lambda state: l2norm(state['params']}))

Then, during training, we can call the measure function, but we need to pass the objects needed for measurements which vary during traning, e.g.

for step in training_steps:
    optimizer_state = do_train_step()

    current_dict = {'params': optimizer_state.params}
    step_msmts = oscilloscope.measure(step, current_dict)
    if step_msmts is not None:

If we want to perform a measurement at any time (say outside the normal schedule), we can use the same measure method, but now we must provide the argument measurement_list as follows:

msmt = oscilloscope.measure(step, current_dict,

This will measure, in the above case, test_acc, regardless of what the corresponding measurement interval and step are.


When you call .measure() with an explicit measurement_list, the manager will only measure those measurements in the list, and will NOT go through and check which measurements to perform based on the measurement-intervals. If you want to measure those as well, you must call .measure() again, with no measurement_list provided.

Indices and tables